So when I went to lunch with Sam on the last day of finals we thought that would be the last time we hung out for two years, but it wasn't!! Sam has been visiting family in San Diego and yesterday I got to drive down and hang out with him, his family, and his cousin's friends haha I've always wanted to go do baptisms in the San Diego temple because the Newport Beach Temple opened right after I turned 12, so I never got the opportunity to go down to San Diego. Since I in San Diego, the first thing Sam and I did was go to the temple! The baptismal font is so cool there! I loved it!
It was defnitely an awesome experience! After the temple we headed back to Poway where we went to dinner with his cousin, Nate, and 2 of his friends. We had a cultural experience and got Vietnamese food! haha We even learned how to say some words in vietnamese (thanks to Diana) and we ordered in vietnamese...kinda haha
The food was soo good! I got Pho Bo Vien and I was honestly surprised at how filling and delicious it was haha After that we just hit up red box and the junk food aisle at Albertsons so we could watch a movie and just "hang out". Shout out to Sam's cousins who let me hang out in their house when they had never met me before haha I had such a great time getting to know everyone and just having a good ole time haha annddd of course hanging out with Sam one last time before he heads off to the MTC!
I can definitely say it was a super duper thursday! :)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
San Diego with Sam
Pho Ca Doa,
San Diego,
San Diego Temple,
Vietnamese Food
Monday, June 25, 2012
I Tried to Graduate Too Early to SPF4
Last summer I worked at Wild Rivers and after the first couple days of work I was able to wear SPF 4 tanning sunscreen and not get burned aka work on my tan. it was great. I got paid to get tan (and be a ride attendant)
Then I went to BYU in Utah, and got really white again.
Then I came home from Utah after 8 months and started using SPF 4 when I would go to the beach. I would go for a couple of hours, never reapply and all I would be was a pink, sometimes a little red. I would just put some aloe on it, and 2 days later the pink/sunburn would be gone and I would be less white!
Today I went to the beach for 5 hours, used SPF 4 all over (except for on my face I used SPF 30), and reapplied on most of my skin. Because I didn't re-apply frequently enough or use enough SPF... I am now a lobster.
And this lobster has her first day of work tomorrow, where she will be out in the sun with kids for 6 hours and in pain because of her sunburn. Not cool.
Moral of the Story: Don't use SPF 4 suncreen after living in Utah for 8 months even if you think you can handle it like you did last summer. Because you CAN'T! your skin still isn't used to the California sun. You have not graduated to the SPF4 tanning sunscreen yet. You've got a while till you build up your tan and can get on that level of expedential tan gain/whiteness loss due to the use of SPF4 tanning suncreen lotion.
Then I went to BYU in Utah, and got really white again.
Then I came home from Utah after 8 months and started using SPF 4 when I would go to the beach. I would go for a couple of hours, never reapply and all I would be was a pink, sometimes a little red. I would just put some aloe on it, and 2 days later the pink/sunburn would be gone and I would be less white!
Today I went to the beach for 5 hours, used SPF 4 all over (except for on my face I used SPF 30), and reapplied on most of my skin. Because I didn't re-apply frequently enough or use enough SPF... I am now a lobster.
And this lobster has her first day of work tomorrow, where she will be out in the sun with kids for 6 hours and in pain because of her sunburn. Not cool.
Moral of the Story: Don't use SPF 4 suncreen after living in Utah for 8 months even if you think you can handle it like you did last summer. Because you CAN'T! your skin still isn't used to the California sun. You have not graduated to the SPF4 tanning sunscreen yet. You've got a while till you build up your tan and can get on that level of expedential tan gain/whiteness loss due to the use of SPF4 tanning suncreen lotion.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Would Ya?
So basically I love Go Country 105 even more because they sent me tickets to go see Brave at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood!
It was a private showing at 6am so only people who won tickets could go! I went with my friends Kelsey and Ryan and we were part of one of the first audiences to see Brave! It whole experience was soo cool, except for the fact that we had to leave at 3:45am in order to get in line! They had free red wigs for everyone standing in line and willing to be interviewed! So Kelsey, Ryan, and I got red wigs and were interviewed twice before the movie and once after the movie!
It was pretty awesome! And during the last song of the musical shenanigans the main character from Brave came out! It was a cool way to bring the character to life before the movie! The movie was pretty good but wayyy different than I thought it would be! And surprisingly the scottish accents didn't drive me crazy like I thought they would. Also, before the movie we were making fun of scottish accents and our motto was "would ya?" (said in a scottish accent) haha like the movies theme "if you had to chance to change your fate, would ya?" or "if you got free tickets to go to a movie and had to leave at 3:45 am, would ya?" haha The movie was surprisingly short for a pixar movie, but the surround sound was unbelievably awesome! Before we left we snagged some more pictures in the theater and across the street in the Hollywood Highland shopping center after this lady gave us free fans haha.
I was so tired by the time I got home and took an almost 2 hour nap before I left for my 7 hour work training! And then right after training I went babysitting. I didnt get home till a little after 11:30pm . Basically the longest day ever! haha Also, in my last post I mentioned my music video with Kathrine, still working on that because I had to download new a new movie editor program and convert all of the video files into a new format (which is still converting now and is taking foreverrr). That's all I've got for now :) so peacee out
It was a private showing at 6am so only people who won tickets could go! I went with my friends Kelsey and Ryan and we were part of one of the first audiences to see Brave! It whole experience was soo cool, except for the fact that we had to leave at 3:45am in order to get in line! They had free red wigs for everyone standing in line and willing to be interviewed! So Kelsey, Ryan, and I got red wigs and were interviewed twice before the movie and once after the movie!
So look out for us cool cats on ABC 7 news sometime! haha We also happened to wait in line on the Hollywood Stars. which wasn't that big a deal for me, but I guess it would be to some people. Out of the ones I saw, the only ones I recognized were Tim Allen and Steven Speilberg. But any back to the Brave movie showing, they also had free Krispy Kreme Donuts and posters for everyone at the 6am show! Once we got into the theater they had a legit organist playing while we waited!
Only at a Disney owned theater would there be an organist treating you to disney songs while you wait haha at 6am they showed one commercial and then the curtain fell again. Then some singers, dancers, and characters came out and it basically was a mini musical thing before the movie started!It was pretty awesome! And during the last song of the musical shenanigans the main character from Brave came out! It was a cool way to bring the character to life before the movie! The movie was pretty good but wayyy different than I thought it would be! And surprisingly the scottish accents didn't drive me crazy like I thought they would. Also, before the movie we were making fun of scottish accents and our motto was "would ya?" (said in a scottish accent) haha like the movies theme "if you had to chance to change your fate, would ya?" or "if you got free tickets to go to a movie and had to leave at 3:45 am, would ya?" haha The movie was surprisingly short for a pixar movie, but the surround sound was unbelievably awesome! Before we left we snagged some more pictures in the theater and across the street in the Hollywood Highland shopping center after this lady gave us free fans haha.
I was so tired by the time I got home and took an almost 2 hour nap before I left for my 7 hour work training! And then right after training I went babysitting. I didnt get home till a little after 11:30pm . Basically the longest day ever! haha Also, in my last post I mentioned my music video with Kathrine, still working on that because I had to download new a new movie editor program and convert all of the video files into a new format (which is still converting now and is taking foreverrr). That's all I've got for now :) so peacee out
El Capitan Theater,
Go Country 105,
Would Ya?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
I like the Angels. I like turtles. I do not like dead sea lions.
So yesterday was pretty busy! I shadowed Dr. Shannon from 8:30 am - 12 pm, then camp home and helped load cement pieces into our truck and wrote out my mini lesson for cubscouts. from 2:15pm - 5:15pm I was with my brothers cub scout troops playing scientist, and from 6pm - 10:30pm I was out at the Angels game. Crazy day basically.
Since we got to the beach before low tide I was able to go into the Ocean Institute and say hi to my old boss Juilianne! Last year I was one of her animal husbandry interns so it was awesome to stop by and chat it up with her! I also got to go back and see the little turtle I would take on walks! We found him on the jetty last year and he was about the size of a quarter back then. Now his shell is about 5 inches in diameter! It's crazy how much he has grown since I last saw him in August. This is kinda what he looked like when I left the OI.
Oh I loved that little guy. Around 4 o'clock I said good-bye to Julianne and headed back to the beach to take the cub scouts exploring in the tide pools. I was looking forward to seeing lots of star fish but there were only two! Right at the beginning too. Usually I see like 15 starfish and most of them are close enough to shore that you can easily get to them and touch them! The only 2 we saw were too far out to get too. SO LAME. But we did see lots of sea anemones, crabs, algae, seaweed, and some little fish. We also saw a dead sea lion too.. super gross. As I was leading the boys along the trail we all smelled something really gnarly and my first instict was that there was a dead animal. So I was looking along the rocks in the water, not really watching the trail that I was walking on that much. I checked ahead for a second and saw what I thought was a big black rock, so I just kept scanning the waters edge to see if I saw anything. When I was about a foot or two away from the "black rock" I actually looked carefully at it, saw that the end closest to me was actually tail flippers, and then yelled "Oh my gosh it's a dead sea lion!" and I made all the boys stop right away and walk like 5 feet around it. It was huge and that was the closest I have ever been too a sea lion haha the weird thing was that once you got on the north side of you couldn't smell anything! On the way back a couple of the boys and I took a closer look. With my love for marine biology, I naturally wanted to get a closer look and see if I could see any wounds and/or figure out how it died. I think it had been dead for a couple days because it was pretty gnarly looking and about half its fur/ skin was missing. I hope I never have to see a dead marine mammal ever again. Especially one that has been dead for more than a day.. blechh After the tide pools, I came home and quickly changed so I could head off too the Angels game!
Anyway that's about it for today! I made a music video with Kathrine this afternoon, so look forward to that soon as well as my post about the Brave showing I am going to tomorrow morning at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood! peacee out :)
Since we got to the beach before low tide I was able to go into the Ocean Institute and say hi to my old boss Juilianne! Last year I was one of her animal husbandry interns so it was awesome to stop by and chat it up with her! I also got to go back and see the little turtle I would take on walks! We found him on the jetty last year and he was about the size of a quarter back then. Now his shell is about 5 inches in diameter! It's crazy how much he has grown since I last saw him in August. This is kinda what he looked like when I left the OI.
The Angels played the San Francisco Giants and won the game 6 - 0! Woohoo! There were also a couple home runs so that was pretty sweet! anyway Shout out/ Thanks to Kelsey and Collin for letting me tag along!
Collin's "Creepin" Face" |
Animal Husbandry,
Dead Pinniped,
Ocean Institute,
Western Pond Turtle
Monday, June 18, 2012
I gave my sister the new One Direction album for her birthday yesterday! We both love One Direction so it just made sense to buy her the album and since we share a room I would get to listen to it too! haha Also we made a deal that I would get her the album if she got me a One Direction poster. I think it is a pretty good deal haha. So basically this has been one of my pinterest found mottoes for a while...
Yay for 1D :)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
I know, it's basically adorable! and Happy Father's Day!
Finding Nemo,
Happy Father's Day,
I love My Dad,
June 17,
Saturday, June 16, 2012
I've Been Sitting, Waiting, Wishing... Actually, Mostly Just Wishing
May I please vent a little in this post? okay, thanks for your permission and understanding.
Wednesday - After shadowing Dr. Shannon, I helped pass out fliers for CampCo Day Camps and basically did nothing after that. Lame.
Thursday - I went to the Dentist that afternoon and found out I had a cavity. Even more lame! so I have to go back on Tuesday and get that filled...mehh I feel this song is slightly fitting.
If you didn't get why that song fits...listen to it again. Also, my family went out to eat to celebrate the beginning of summer and but unfortunately I had lost my appetite right before we left...therefore I only ate half of my De"lite"ful taco, but I did eat a lot of sweet potato fries! (fun fact #87 - I love sweet potato fries a wholeee lot!)
Friday - I basically spent the whole day wishing I was at the Grand Re-Opening of California Adventure, especially because it was the Grand Opening of CARSLAND! I even changed my facebook profile to this...
Wednesday - After shadowing Dr. Shannon, I helped pass out fliers for CampCo Day Camps and basically did nothing after that. Lame.
Thursday - I went to the Dentist that afternoon and found out I had a cavity. Even more lame! so I have to go back on Tuesday and get that filled...mehh I feel this song is slightly fitting.
Friday - I basically spent the whole day wishing I was at the Grand Re-Opening of California Adventure, especially because it was the Grand Opening of CARSLAND! I even changed my facebook profile to this...
... in honor of the new CarsLand's opening to the public. I seriously have to go there before I go back to BYU. I also had New Hire Training Friday evening from 5pm -10pm. So I spent my Friday night filling out paperwork, reading staff manuals, going over rules, and playing jeopardy to quiz us on what we learned. A pretty lame Friday night if I do say so myself.
Saturday - Today I had staff training from 9am - 4:30pm. Woohoo! After that I went and babysat some super cute girls from 6pm - 10:30pm. I even taught them a couple girls camp songs and after they went to bed & I cleaned up, I was able to entertain the Disney dork in me thanks to the "Destination America" channel. I watched a Disney Parks Secrets show and a Behind the Scenes of Walt Disney World. Basically I am the COOLEST college kid ever because I have the most exciting weekends! Therefore, you should really get to know me. You won't regret it. Tonight I was also wishing I was at the One Direction concert in LA. That would have been bomb. I have friends that went, and let's just say that I am pretty dang jealous.
Hopefully once I start working I will be able to have a real schedule that allows me to work and have some fun in the same week! I just love schedules and I cannot wait until my summer is scheduled. No more of this "hmm what am I going to do today? wash the car? work on my doctrine & covenants class? clean my room again? help mom? work for/help dad? watch psych? etc..." I have been doing that for almost 2 months now and it has gotten pretty old. not gonna lie. Basically I just WISH my days were more exciting and fun. The End.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Just a Tuesday
Today I found a hole in my He is We shirt....worst day ever! But then this afternoon I found out that David Archuleta is releasing a new album on August 7!
So that helped make my day better and balance out my unlucky find on my shirt this morning! Anyway, that's all I have for now because it has pretty much been a typical, boring tuesday! so, peace out :)
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Single Rider is the Best Thing When it Comes to Disney Parks
My high score is 202,000 and I got decently close to it! And I got "Best in Car," meaning I had the highest score out of the 8 players in the 2 cars. I wanted to have some kind of proof that I went to the park so I decided it was worth a 15 minute wait to get a picture with Mickey!
On my way out, I stopped at the Blue Sky Cellar to see the preview of CarsLand (which opens next Friday) and I could see part of CarsLand on the walkway up to it! It's already open to employees so everything was up and running.
I totally wish I was an employee so I could go in and see everything! I overheard an employee describing it to a guest while we were waiting for Aladdin to start and she said it looks just like the Radiator Springs in the movie!

Also, if you are planning on going to CarsLand right when it opens, you should know they are expecting a 5 hour wait for the Radiator Springs Racers!! FIVE HOURS! that's crazy....If I had a pass I probably would wait in that line though, because I wouldn't care about getting my moneys worth that day haha The employees recommend that people wait a couple months and go to CarsLand when the crowds go down. I seriously hope I get to go sometime before I head back to BYU though! Also, I have watched She's the Man three days in a row. The last two days have been because Christian wanted to watch it. I love the fact that my 9 year old brother loves she's the man haha Last night he was cracking up and it was kinda the greatest thing ever! You would have thought that he had never seen the movie before haha. Last night, Christian and I also watched some Psych... I forgot how much I love that show.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
Ya you should check out that blog because Sydney is awesome and she is basically the cutest, young mormon mom ever. I love that blog, but anyway. On Thursdays she sometimes posts this thing called "Awkward and Awesome Thursday," I think it's pretty cool so I wanted to steal her idea and give it a try.
-Almost ran into someone with my heavy cart Costco, they decided to make sharp turns around the corner and not look for people or carts crossing their path
-Got a random dark spot/ stain on my shirt... have no clue how it got there
-My hair decided to be a little crazy headband could tame my fly aways or hair in general for that matter
-I babysat some little girls today and after half an hour of giving them piggy backs and running around with them I was gross.
- I was making a U-turn today and a guy decide to not pay attention and turn right, almost hitting me...I had to use my horn, which I hate doing and made me feel awkward driving on the same road as him. I seriously hate honking my horn...
- My mom bought me blueberries at Costco!
- Got a free ticket to California Adventure from the girls I babysat. Only bummer is that it expires Saturday so I gotta go in the next 48 hours!
- I actually did something productive today and made a little money...aka babysitting!
-I don't have to take a CPR/First Aid class this year for my summer job because the certification I got for Wild Rivers last summer is good until May 2013! Woohoo!
- I watched She's the Man today; one of the BEST movies in the world!
Ya you should check out that blog because Sydney is awesome and she is basically the cutest, young mormon mom ever. I love that blog, but anyway. On Thursdays she sometimes posts this thing called "Awkward and Awesome Thursday," I think it's pretty cool so I wanted to steal her idea and give it a try.
-Almost ran into someone with my heavy cart Costco, they decided to make sharp turns around the corner and not look for people or carts crossing their path
-Got a random dark spot/ stain on my shirt... have no clue how it got there
-My hair decided to be a little crazy headband could tame my fly aways or hair in general for that matter
-I babysat some little girls today and after half an hour of giving them piggy backs and running around with them I was gross.
- I was making a U-turn today and a guy decide to not pay attention and turn right, almost hitting me...I had to use my horn, which I hate doing and made me feel awkward driving on the same road as him. I seriously hate honking my horn...
- My mom bought me blueberries at Costco!
- Got a free ticket to California Adventure from the girls I babysat. Only bummer is that it expires Saturday so I gotta go in the next 48 hours!
- I actually did something productive today and made a little money...aka babysitting!
-I don't have to take a CPR/First Aid class this year for my summer job because the certification I got for Wild Rivers last summer is good until May 2013! Woohoo!
- I watched She's the Man today; one of the BEST movies in the world!
The Daybook Blog,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Life Will Write the Words
Today The Rocket Summer released their new album "Life Will Write the Words"...WOOHOO!!
I got converted to their music while up at BYU (thanks to Miss Annabelle) and I couldn't wait to hear new music from them! I've been listening to their new album on PureVolume off and on today. It's pretty good, I like the album I have on my iPod right now a little better, but I think this new album will grow on me! Today you can stream the whole album for free on Pure Volume so check it out here!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
As you saw in my post the other day, He is We is one of my top 5 favorite bands, and basically I failed on going to my annual He is We Concert...
I've gone the past 2 years in a row and I wasn't able to make it to their concert tonight in Anaheim. So three years in a row didn't happen :( Instead, I ended up going to Adult Stake Conference with my mom tonight. yay for growing up haha I miss my all freshman stake at BYU, especially when it comes to stake conference. I felt kind of out of place because a lot of the topics related to teaching and raising children. If you haven't figured it out yet, I am definitely not at that stage of my life yet haha I still feel like I am a kid! Anyway, since I am slightly mourning not being at the He is We concert, I decide to see if they had any new demos on their PureVolume website and I found this little gem!
I am definitely in love with this song..and it's titled L-L-Love, that's kind of ironic haha but anyway, I am stoked for their new album that will be coming out later this year. But for now, I am pretty sure this song will be on repeat for the rest of the night. If you aren't a He is We fan you should convert because they are pretty great and I love them.
That's all I've got for now, so peaceee out :)
He is We Concert in San Diego - August 2011 |
![]() |
We waited for an hour after the concert so we could meet He is We and have them sign our phones, shirts, etc! |
I've gone the past 2 years in a row and I wasn't able to make it to their concert tonight in Anaheim. So three years in a row didn't happen :( Instead, I ended up going to Adult Stake Conference with my mom tonight. yay for growing up haha I miss my all freshman stake at BYU, especially when it comes to stake conference. I felt kind of out of place because a lot of the topics related to teaching and raising children. If you haven't figured it out yet, I am definitely not at that stage of my life yet haha I still feel like I am a kid! Anyway, since I am slightly mourning not being at the He is We concert, I decide to see if they had any new demos on their PureVolume website and I found this little gem!
I am definitely in love with this song..and it's titled L-L-Love, that's kind of ironic haha but anyway, I am stoked for their new album that will be coming out later this year. But for now, I am pretty sure this song will be on repeat for the rest of the night. If you aren't a He is We fan you should convert because they are pretty great and I love them.
That's all I've got for now, so peaceee out :)
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