Friday, April 13, 2012

Reading Days

So posting this is one of my little breaks from studying for finals! I have definitely learned some things these past 2 reading days! Okay first of all, I am super grateful for them. I definitely could not go straight from classes into did I ever to that in high school? haha Also, I learned it was possible to study 13 hours in one day. yep. definitely did that yesterday. Got up at 6:45am and went to bed at 2:30am. Why was I up so late...because I was at the library until it closed with miss Annabelle (Marcel left the study sesh early). I have never stayed at the library studying until it closed haha I kinda wanted to have a mini dance party as I was leaving thanks to the lovely Journey that was playing. I also learned that I hate when people talk really loud in quiet zones at the library!! Especially when there are signs on each table that say "FINALS WEEK - thanks for being quiet!" These people were speaking French so loud at the table behind me and then this RM at the table next to them just had  to join their conversation because he served his mission in France! They were talking in normal voices in a quiet zone for half an hour! Rude - I know. We all finally moved and as we walked by their table Marcel dropped one of the quiet signs on their table haha I hope they got the message! Anyway, same thing happened today! I isolated my self in one of these fancy little cubicles....
I was about 5 feet from a study room and these 2 girls were giggling, screaming, and all excited/nervous about their new found, hopeful love lives haha. It was kinda funny, but definitely got old as I was trying to memorize the pathogenic mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus and other ridiculous microbiology things. So just know those study rooms aren't sound proof!

Among all of this studying I have managed to hit up the pool these past two nights! It was my first time working out at the pool and I learned that I could never be swimmer competitively because I can't swim very straight haha Tonight, after I hit up the gym and swam some laps, my roommate Rachel and I taught our roomie Celia how to swim! Actually, let me rephrase that, Rachel taught Celia how to swim and I was the cheerleader/ assistant swim teacher/put in my 2 cents here and there! haha She did great! I would not have guessed it was her first time swimming and let alone her first time treading water in the deep end. Afterwards we hit up the sauna, that was also a first for me! haha It was a nice way to dry off and get warm...but I can honestly say that I would prefer it to not be a dry sauna...oh well I can't complain! But you know what I can complain about? The construction outside my window! Wakes me up every morning at 7am with loud crashing, banging, and earthquakes. And they like to start at the corner right out side my window, therefore they like to wake Penrose Hall up every's kinda ridiculous haha Hopefully they start a little later tomorrow so I can sleep in a little bit before I go take some of my finals! Since I don't have any good pics for these last couple days, I'll share my latest song obsession... Carrie Underwood's Good Girl

 Yep I kinda love it! haha probably have listened to it 15 or 20 times today! Gotta love some good ol' country and you just can't not love Carre Underwood! If you don't like Carrie than you can just leave.... haha anyway that sums up the past 2 days!! peaceee out.

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