Wednesday, January 9, 2013


So I epically fail at blogging! But it's a new year so (maybe) I will be better! I am back at school! Winter Semester 2013 NO REGRETS! I had a rough fall semester but I learned a lot and I am so excited for this new semester! I love new years! 2013 is like hitting a refresh button for me! I also just wanted to post about the awesome winter break I had! I literally had the best Christmas break ever thanks to my family and friends! I saw lots of movies, ate lots of Yogurtland, fed some chickens, fed some lorikeets, hung out with lots of different friends, and just had such an amazing time! I would post pictures but blogger is being dumb and won't let me!

Since the winter break is over, it's back to reality and school! Here are some of my goals for this year:
  • Continue "No Desserts"
  • Get at least a 3.6 GPA
  • Get my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)
  • Find a Job as a CNA
  • Meet lots of new people at school and church
  • Read my scriptures and say my prayers everyday!
  • Keep in touch with old friends and missionaries better
  • Go to the Temple more (at least once a month)
  • Enjoy Every Day!
And that's all I can think of right now! I may not be good at blogging but I love finding quotes on pinterest so I will just randomly post quotes if I don't feel like writing or don't have time to write or don't have anything exciting to write about!

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