Saturday, August 18, 2012

so basically I have completely failed at blogging. I am so disappointed with myself haha I have been sooo busy with work and other activities that blogging is just not on the top of my list.... like ever. I will be back at BYU this next week and hopefully I will start posting about my adventures again because I am going to have some awesome adventures this year!

#sophomoreyear #sostoked #lookoutprovohereicome #ilovecollege

Also, I saw this quote today and kinda loved it...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Basically I have been awful at blogging lately! so just to sum up these past 2 weeks I have been so busy! With work, movie nights, and other activities such as the beach, OC Fair, Angel's game, etc...  I FINALLY go back to BYU in 3 weeks and I am completely stoked! maybe I will be better at blogging once I get up there again haha peace outt :)