Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer 2013

As another summer comes and goes, I have begin to think about the “quality” of my summer. What did I do? Who did I spend it with? Was my time well spent? I checked 17 things off my bucket list and went on many other adventures not included on the bucket list! I made new friends, strengthened relationships with old friends, and made good memories! I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to spend my summer here in Provo, UT! I thought my first summer not in California would be hard because I wouldn’t have the beach, but Utah has made up for that with so much more! I have fallen in love with Utah this summer!

Photo: 24th of July!


Rappelling, Country Explosion & met Scotty McCreery, Lagoon, the Living Planet Aquarium. Fishing, Sliding Rock,  Mona Lake x3, Made a net & climbed to the top of the tree where we put it, Spanish Fork Rodeo, Hiked the Y x 2, Spanish Fork Hot Springs, Geocaching, Monster truck Rally, Seven Peaks, Lots of time spent at the pool, 80’s classic skating, Saw our friends preform at Velour,  Dunkin Donuts Adventure in SLC, Brighton Cabin Birthday Weekend, Lowes Xtreme Airsports,  Best 4th of July I’ve ever had!, Memorial day “camping” trip, First time using sparklers, 7/11 day

This summer is quickly coming to a close and I only hope that I can make these last few weeks count!