Thursday, March 29, 2012

Package from the Parents

So today I finally got my long awaited care package from my parents! I ran out of my mom's delicious homemade jelly, which is a necessity for when I have to make a classic PB&J sandwich, and that's what started the formation of this lovely care package!

Peanut Butter, Jelly, Peanut Butter Granola Bars, and Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake Snacks...this package is definitely a winner! haha my mom totally read my mind by putting in the Quaker snacks! I was so depressed because they don't have Apple Cinnamon Rice Cakes at the Creamery (where I get my groceries) and they are my favorite! I am seeing how long I can go without sweets, treats, "baked goods", and junk food, so rice cakes are my new "dessert" haha they are pretty healthy, yet sweet enough to satisfy my after dinner sweet tooth! I got caramel corn ones from the creamery last week and now I have these apple cinnamon ones so I am pretty happy! I have almost made it 2 weeks with out goodies and I am going to try and make it until the end of the school year! and even longer if I can keep it up till then! So far I have resisted/refused brownies, cheesecake, ice cream, cake, chocolate banana smoothies (my favoriteee), and probably some other treats. It is so hard in an apartment that loves to bake desserts all the time! haha It will definitely be easier to eat healthy when I get home and there is only two other people who like to bake every once in a while and a basket constantly full of fruit!  3 weeks from tomorrow I will be home!! I can't wait! I have already started packing, so it's ironic that I got a package with more stuff today haha And I have already started my summer bucket list! But I will talk about that in my next post so that's it for now! Peace :)

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