Thursday, June 21, 2012

I like the Angels. I like turtles. I do not like dead sea lions.

So yesterday was pretty busy! I shadowed Dr. Shannon from 8:30 am - 12 pm, then camp home and helped load cement pieces into our truck and wrote out my mini lesson for cubscouts. from 2:15pm - 5:15pm I was with my brothers cub scout troops playing scientist, and from 6pm - 10:30pm I was out at the Angels game. Crazy day basically.

Since we got to the beach before low tide I was able to go into the Ocean Institute and say hi to my old boss Juilianne! Last year I was one of her animal husbandry interns so it was awesome to stop by and chat it up with her! I also got to go back and see the little turtle I would take on walks! We found him on the jetty last year and he was about the size of a quarter back then. Now his shell is about 5 inches in diameter! It's crazy how much he has grown since I last saw him in August. This is kinda what he looked like when I left the OI.
Oh I loved that little guy. Around 4 o'clock I said good-bye to Julianne and headed back to the beach to take the cub scouts exploring in the tide pools. I was looking forward to seeing lots of star fish but there were only two! Right at the beginning too. Usually I see like 15 starfish and most of them are close enough to shore that you can easily get to them and touch them! The only 2 we saw were too far out to get too. SO LAME. But we did see lots of sea anemones, crabs, algae, seaweed, and some little fish. We also saw a dead sea lion too.. super gross. As I was leading the boys along the trail we all smelled something really gnarly and my first instict was that there was a dead animal. So I was looking along the rocks in the water, not really watching the trail that I was walking on that much. I checked ahead for a second and saw what I thought was a big black rock, so I just kept scanning the waters edge to see if I saw anything. When I was about a foot or two away from the "black rock" I actually looked carefully at it, saw that the end closest to me was actually tail flippers,  and then yelled "Oh my gosh it's a dead sea lion!" and I made all the boys stop right away and walk like 5 feet around it. It was huge and that was the closest I have ever been too a sea lion haha the weird thing was that once you got on the north side of  you couldn't smell anything! On the way back a couple of the boys and I took a closer look. With my love for marine biology, I naturally wanted to get a closer look and see if I could see any wounds and/or figure out how it died. I think it had been dead for a couple days because it was pretty gnarly looking and about half its fur/ skin was missing. I hope I never have to see a dead marine mammal ever again. Especially one that has been dead for more than a day.. blechh  After the tide pools, I came home and quickly changed so I could head off too the Angels game!
The Angels played the San Francisco Giants and won the game 6 - 0! Woohoo! There were also a couple home runs so that was pretty sweet! anyway Shout out/ Thanks to Kelsey and Collin for letting me tag along!
Collin's "Creepin" Face"

Anyway that's about it for today! I made a music video with Kathrine this afternoon, so look forward to that soon as well as my post about the Brave showing I am going to tomorrow morning at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood! peacee out :)

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